Wednesday, August 22, 2012

One Nation

The Mitzva of Yishuv Eretz Yisrael is already the center of our national discourse. Only, up till now, it seems that it is a source of division. We are not united in our determination.

Rarely was this clearer than in 5753, when the nation was divided between depression and euphoria, and then in 5765, when the "orange" camp met with coldness in the "blue" camp. But Nature will have its course. The "blue" camp will soon meet the "orange" camp again, this time at "orange" premises.

Because we will become One Nation, united around this Mitzva.

Monday, August 20, 2012

One Thing

In every generation, there are "Keitzim" according to the Teshuva, and the special merits of that generation, but the "Keitz HaAcharon" is not dependent on Teshuva, only on Chesed, as is written: "For My sake, for My sake, I will do it" (Yeshaya 48:11). And also in merit of the Fathers, and that is according to "and He remembers the virtues of the Fathers and brings the Savior to their descendants for His sake, in love."

This is what the GR"A wrote in Even Shleimah. Does the Geula actually depend on nothing from our side? As Rav Yissachar Shlomo Teichtel points out in Em HaBanim Smeichah, merit of the Fathers, Zechut Avot, depends on one thing that we must do. It can only be invoked for those who cherish the Land, as it was not invoked by Moshe after the sin of the spies.

The bond between the Fathers and the Land is unbreakable. The need to cherish the Land of Israel is the one thing that the Geula depends on. We must show this one virtue of the Fathers.

Friday, August 17, 2012

Not Just Sasson, also Simcha

Having mentioned one anti-Messianic force, I cannot avoid mentioning the other, lest the reader be misled.

The other, heretical, anti-Messianic force was represented by Rav Ovadia Yosef in 5753, whereas the role was played in 5765 by Rav Yosef Shalom Elyashiv. I trust their contributions are well-known.

Again it is true. Anti-Messianic is also Messianic. This is the Sod of Sasson and Simcha, the two heretics. Their heresy is part of the Messianic process, as this process does not happen because of our merit.

Sasson and Simcha are Meshichim. They will bring Moshiach, but it will be in a way they do not expect. About this the GR"A said,

שאילו לא נברא אלא להשגת כוונת חז"ל, בענין ששון ושמחה - דיו

Thursday, August 16, 2012

Anti-Messianic is also Messianic

I found a good comment to a blog post about Shimon Peres, by Yaak.
Interesting that there were 12-year intervals between these 3 errors: 1981-1993-2005.

Looking back 12 years earlier, in 1969 was when Shimon Peres was first appointed as a government minister, but it took Gad Yaakobi giving up his appointment so that Peres won't get angry at him for that to happen. He essentially lost the first of many elections in that year.

Looking back 12 years further, it was in 1957 that Peres was instrumental in signing the deal with France to help build the Dimona nuclear reactor. So he has one thing going for him. However, in that same year, Moshe Sharet declared about Shimon Peres, "I will tear Keriah on the State of Israel if I see him sitting on his chair as a minister in Israel."
Interesting that all these years were years of Chesed. Of course, this is not so surprising. Shimon Peres is the quintesssential anti-Messianic figure in the Israeli political scene. And anti-Messianic is also Messianic.

Monday, August 13, 2012

The GR"A Count Revisited

Not only is 288 a multiple of 36, it is also a multiple of 12. The GR"A thus told his Talmidim to count 24 times to 12, eight times to 36. Moreover, we have long known the count of 12 years as the Chesed count.

So the GR"A count does not start in 5500, but in 5501. We are not to count every 250/7 years, but every 36 years. The holy spirit of the GR"A told us that the era of Moshiach ben Yosef is 24 times 12 years, 24 years of Chesed, but he could not say it this way, and the wise will understand.

Saturday, August 11, 2012

Count to Moshiach ben David

The GR"A instituted a count of Pekidot, once in 36 years. It is apparently meant to be a count towards the end of Moshiach ben Yosef, that is, the beginning of the period of Moshiach ben David. In view of the 288 years of Moshiach ben Yosef, there are eight Pekidot of 36 years starting with year 5501, or nine if the first, in 5501, and the last, in 5789, are counted, or seven if neither the first nor the last are counted.

It seems the Talmidim of the GR"A have been counting seven Pekidot and started with 5500. I doubt this comes from the GR"A. Perhaps he was misunderstood. For one, the GR"A knew very well that one year must be added.

When we count properly, the penultimate Pekidah was in 5753, the year that brought the Oslo accords.

The reason for the 36 years is clear now, 288 = 36*8. The Gaon spoke the truth.

עת הזמיר הגיע, עת הזמיר באה בשבע הפקידות דאתחלתא

Kol HaTor 5, 1, 10

הכרח שנשמתו של משיח תרד לעולם בעקיפין

HaTekufa HaGedola, p. 534 (Yerushalayim, 5761)

Friday, August 10, 2012

Shishim Ribo

The following is similar to what Rav Kasher (HaTekufa HaGedola, Jerushalayim 5761, page 525) said.

The Yom Kippur war was at טצ"ץ, when the left and right convened, both at תצ"ט and a half, i.e. 499.5, together 999. There were 2.8 million Jews in Israel, more than 600000 men from age 20 to 60.

The count of the exile reached 499.5 in 5708, the year of creation of the State of Israel after 22 centuries of exile. There were 600000 Jews in Israel at the time.

This is relevant because of what the GR"A said:

רבנו ביאר את הפסוק "הקטן יהי' לאלף והצעיר לגוי עצום אני ה' בעתה אחישנה". חז"ל חלקו בעתה אחישנה לשני אופנים, זכו אחישנה, לא זכו בעתה אך מו"ס אין מקרא יוצא מידי פשוטו אשר גם בעתה אחישנה, אכן למתי כשהקטן יהי' לאלף היינו לכשנגיע בעצמנו עד הדרגא של האלף הקטן באתערותא דלתתא, והצעיר לגוי עצום. הקטן והצעיר הוא אפרים שהוא משיח בן יוסף שתפקידו קבוץ גליות. לגוי עצום היינו ששים רבוא, אז אפילו בעתה אחישנה והיא הדרך האמצעית שבדרשת חז"ל. בתיקוני צפנת פענח כלולים ח"י הסגולות של שפע עליון של ברכת שמים, כלם צפונים בסוד טצ"ץ ביסוד שהוא המספר העליון של משיח בן יוסף שבאיתערותא דלתתא בכוונת הקטן יהי' לאלף וכו' כמבואר להלן. וכל אחד מח"י הסגולות האלה אחוז במספר זה, כל אחד בטוריא דיליה כדלהלן.

Kol Hator 5, 1, 7

תורת משיח צדקינו

תורת משיח צדקינו היא בדרגת אור החכמה העליון, שיתגלה לקץ הימין ע"י מרע"ה עם ביאת משיח בן דוד וככל שאנו מתקרבים יותר באתחלתא דגאולה עד לגאולה השלמה, מתגלה קימעא קימעא ליחידי סגולה מתורת משיח צדקנו, ע"י משיחא דאתחלתא משיח בן יוסף שביעודו צפונים כל רזי התורה כנודע. ועל ידו קיבוץ גלויות וגאולה משיעבוד מלכיות

Kol Hator 5, 2, 7.

Thursday, August 9, 2012

Progress in Torah

Could it be that the GR"A looked three centuries, 288 years, ahead? Most certainly and surely, as we will show. He lived (largely) in the century of Ki Teitzei, preparing for the century of Ki Tavo, after which would come the century of Nitzavim, which would see the Moshiach. The GR"A studied a little concerning the past and a lot concerning the future. A little of Talmud, and a lot of Torat HaNistar.

The Yeshiva student learns about the past, usually the past only, also in our days, especially in our days. He learns either no Torat HaNistar, or learns it in the way he learns Talmud. He learns a Daf, of the Zohar. The brave might even study a Daf per day. He greatly appreciates the GR"A, for his Talmud knowledge. He greatly appreciates the Ramchal, for Mesillat Yesharim. The student learns the same things in the same ways as his Rav, so that, a generation from now, his sons can learn the same again. They call it the Mesorah, and they are proud of it.

However, there is also progress, much progress. It is made through Torah study about the future, largely about the future. In the way of Rashbi, the Arizal, the GR"A, and the Ramchal. This is the subject of this blog, and the two blogs Emet Achshav and Kulmos that preceded it. This is the revelation of the Torah of Moshiach, step by step. This is the work of Yechidim. At this time. Still.

אך התיקון האמיתי הוא שיהיה ענין זה קיים תמיד, שלא יפסק

Ramchal, Iggeret 15