Thursday, September 27, 2012

Torat Emet

Torah is Torat Emet. What kind of Emet? Surely not the historical truth. What is truthful about history? How is that relevant to our time, to me? The Torah's message is for our time, to us. That is the Emet we must be looking for.

For many this is hard to understand. That is why superficially the Torah is an account of history. But, to state it nicely, in truth, Torat Emet does not have anything to do with historical accuracy of the Torah at all.

Torat Emet is Torah HaEmet.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012

What is Judaism?

Here is my comment to a discussion about what Judaism is.

The "ancient Judaism" was only a child. The child has grown up.

Rashbi, Moshe d'León, Arizal, Ramchal, Vilna Gaon, Moshiach, all are stages of a cosmic growing-up process, of Moshe Rabbeinu growing up, of Klal Yisrael growing up.

The difference with Yeshu and Mohammed is that they are the end. Only in Judaism there is growth.

Sunday, September 16, 2012

The 20th Day of the Omer

The count of the exile reached 499.5 in 5708, the year of creation of the State of Israel after 22 centuries of exile, on the 20th day of the Omer.

Now, יום העשרים בעומר equals 999 in gematria, twice 499.5. This is brought forth by Midrash Shlomo.

Friday, September 14, 2012


What is the Teshuva about? Secular Jews, what are they supposed to do? It is not like any threat could make them believe in the historicity of the Torah. For instance, nothing will ever convince them that the Mabul really happened. It will take Moshiach to reconcile the heresy of Sasson, the secular Jew, with the heresy of Simcha, the frum Jew who believes everything.

The collective Teshuva that is required of both Sasson and Simcha is that of the previous post. They have to stand up to the world and declare that the Land is ours, and ours alone.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

The Land of Israel is for the People of Israel

I am Avi-Guy Israeli. I live in Petach Tikva. I am aware of all these claims, of the rabbis. But, you know, I know a bit of history. What I know is not in line with the rabbis. I am truthful, I do not believe in stories.

But I believe in my nation. Not by chance did we return. I believe that the Land of Israel is for the People of Israel. There is no other way. We tried other ways, and we failed miserably.

I know that the world is against us. That is how we returned. If we returned. It is time to tell the world something: The Land of Israel is for the People of Israel.

A Word to the Wise

Regarding the count instituted by the GR"A, 5500 + a*n, where a=250/7, approximately 36 years, this is the final piece of the count m(n) = 4000+a*n, counting the years of Moshiach according to Chazal, according to Torat HaNigleh. The year 5750 was the year m(49) according to this, and we live now deep into the final period, which ends with 5786 = m(50). The count 5500 + a*n is the final stretch, m(42) + a*n. The parallel with the Omer count is obvious.

There is a deep reason why the GR"A instituted in fact the count m(n) = 5501 + a*n, where a is exactly 36 years. Now, m(7) is 5753, and m(8) is 5789. The deep reason is related to the secret of 288, which the GR"A at some level must have known. From his Talmidim, we learn the first version. The wise will understand.

Monday, September 3, 2012

Danny Danon

MK Danny Danon (Likud) is set to launch a new book which explains in very clear terms his positions against the two-state solution and about Israel’s rights to its land.

“We’ve been discussiing the two-state solution for 20 years and it’s time to say enough,” he added. “I do not believe in a two-state solution. I’m putting a new paradigm in this book and telling the people who love us: let’s think about a three-state solution – Israel, Jordan and Egypt.”

“We have to speak about what is good for Israel, and I believe that the three-state solution is what’s good for Israel. We’ve tried 'peace' twice: with the Oslo Accords and with the disengagement from Gaza. It doesn’t work. We need to think of something else.”

Danon intends to translate the book into Hebrew and perhaps even into other languages and his aim, as he put it, is “to create a debate. I want people to maybe not agree with me, to read the book and to argue with it, but at least to know what Israelis think. I think it represents the majority of Israelis. The people here in Tel Aviv and Jerusalem no longer believe in the idea of land for peace. We’ve tried it. It failed. We are open for new ideas.”
The problem is of course that both Jordan and Egypt barely exist. That is, a three-state solution is of course a one-state solution. Next time we rule from the Suez Canal to the Litani, we will declare the lands Jewish. Who doesn't like it, can go, must go.