Tuesday, October 30, 2012


Exactly one year ago, in the beginning of 5772, a storm brought havoc to the "frum" world of New Hempstead. Now, the havoc is on a bigger scale. Many in New Hempstead rely on New York City. May HaShem have mercy and help them making A-l-i-y-a-h.

What holds true for New Hempstead is true for Klal Yisrael. This is the end of the exile.

The Vehicle for the Tikkun

The last two Tikkunim can be written as

15! + (16*29)^2 = (16*(71500-29))^2
16! + (64*29)^2 = (64*(71500-29))^2

and signify 16 generations of 29 years after the Arizal, respectively 64 generations after Rashbi, until 5796, until Keter, until Aleph, a thousand.

Before this world was created, Din (71) and Chesed (72) were in equilibrium. The equilibrium was broken by 29 which became the vehicle for the Tikkun, through long years of exilic darkness.

Friday, October 26, 2012

Tsats v'Tamah

These are enormous and awesome events, the falling of Shamayim, ץ to צ, and ם to ת. We write צ"ץ as it happens suddenly, and ת"ם, as it is the end of something.

It happens suddenly yet also it takes time, until the original ץ, which is ה years after ת"ם. In short, צ"ץ ותמ"ה.

It is the end of the 288 sparks of Kedusha, four times 72. They are being returned to their source. At the end of צ"ץ ותמ"ה, mankind finds G-d, everlasting.

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Year 5771

The year 5771 was one cycle before the "end". It was 15*27 years after 5366, as well as 15*18 years after 5501.

The date was Rosh Chodesh, Tammuz, 5771, or a couple of days before. Compare to this.

Sunday, October 21, 2012

A Summary

The Tikkunim of the Sephirot are combined in pairs, which represents a "re-grouping" in terms of the Partzufim:
10! + 15^2 = (15*127)^2
14! + 420^2 = (420*703)^2
Note that 420 = 15*28. This corresponds to the year 5786.

11! + 18^2 = (18*351)^2
13! + 288^2 = (288*274)^2
Note that 288 = 18*16. This corresponds to the year 5790.

15! + 464^2 = 1143536^2
16! + (4*464)^2 = (4*1143536)^2
Note that 464 = 16*29. This corresponds to the year 5796.

Sunday, October 7, 2012

The One Day

Why did the GR"A institute a count of eight times 36 years, and not four times 72, four times the name of G-d?

Perhaps the eight signifies the number of "months" of the "pregnancy". The Arizal explains in Ets HaChaim, Heichal Zeir Anpin, Sh'ar רפ"ח Nitzotzin, Perek 5, that "birth" occurs at eight "months", and one "day", which is insignifant in that it does not change the count of רפ"ח.

The months are 36 years each. The one day corresponds to one year: 5501 + 8*36 + 1 = 5790.

Note that this marks the end of the four Partzufim, of Malchut and Zeir Anpin, of Chochma and Bina. After this, Malchut can rise to Keter.

Friday, October 5, 2012

The Sparks of Kedusha

When the Kelim were broken, died, sparks remained with them, so that the Kelim can go up again. There are 288 sparks of Kedusha. Against this number is the count of 8 times 36 years.

We read that in the early stage of creation,

ורוח אלהים מרחפת על פני המים

The word מרחפת can be written as מ"ת רח"פ. So, 288 died, i.e. became close to this world, to lift it up, when they are lifted up.