Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Three Equations

The equation

15!/2^10 + 35750*29 = 35750^2

covers the Hanhaga during about the one million years of human evolution proper.

If so, the equation

15! + 35750*29*2^10 = 35750^2*2^10

covers the one billion years of all of multi-cellular evolution, and the equation

16! + 35750*29*2^14 = 35750^2*2^14

covers the 16 billion years of the Universe.

השם מ"ה הזה יצא מזווג הע"ב והס"ג בסוד רחמים כמו שיצאו הראשונים בסוד דין. ועתה נשתתפה מידת הרחמים במידת הדין

Ramchal, Pitchei Chochma v'Da'at, p. 185

- תם הבלוג -

Monday, November 12, 2012

The Final Redemption Cannot Come Until

The final redemption cannot come until Creation through Keter is revealed, such as the development of the generations, over a million years, depicted by

15!/2^10 + 35750*29 = 35750^2

This is so, because it is through the Creation of man that we will understand the nature of Keter. An avalanche of insights will come regarding the development and the essence of humans.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

GR"A Chadash

We deduce the idea that there is a count from eight times 36 plus a "day". However, that count adds up to 5790 when Bina "falls", ם to ת. That is not the beginning, in time, as Chochma "falls" first, ץ to צ, in 5786.

So our count is wrong, in a sense. Which count shall we institute, then? The count that is based on a Cosmic Number, which ends in 5786.

Now, I don't say that the GR"A reasoned this way. But he could have, with help of the Divine.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Cosmic Number

Having established that 35750 is a cosmic number, it may shed light on the count instituted by the GR"A. Possibly, this count is given by the formula t(n)= 5500 + 35.750*n. Note that t(8) is exactly 5786.

Sunday, November 4, 2012

143000 Generations

The previous world, of 143000 generations, is characterized by

15!/2^8 + 143000*29 = 71500^2

The 143000 generations, of 29 years, include the period of Australopithecus, Homo Erectus, Homo Heidelbergensis, Homo Neanderthalensis, Denisova Hominins, Homo Sapiens.

Even nicer is the equation

15!/2^10 + 35750*29 = 35750^2

suggesting that special attention was in place in the last 35750 generations.

Anyway, G-d Himself created Man.